| +90 216 575 61 19
Light, Sound and Stage Services

Sound system

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Perfect Match with Your Space and Target Audience Professional sound systems set the quality of standards. Years of technical experience are required to accurately design details in a projection sound system and to achieve a perfectly balanced and tuned system. We supply equipment for multiple events, including theatre, live music, television, and corporate events.

Light System

You are at the right address for Timecode Lighting Designs

Pyrodigy uses the industry’s most advanced equipment, offering unique features without sacrificing performance. All our shows are developed for maximized visuals.

Truss Systems

Carefully Designed Safe and Reliable Truss Solutions We primarily use unprecedented truss systems that are reliable, robust, reduce installation and disassembly times, and offer flexible creativity in event design.

CAD Services

We Create an Accurate Roadmap for Your Project with Precise and Detailed Computer Drawings Performing perfect demonstrations starts with the right design of the details. Anywhere a production is going to take place, there are numerous aspects to consider long before the show date. This can be achieved after the best but an accurate floor plan has been created. CAD drawings are an important roadmap for all stakeholders involved in putting your event or production together. These precise drawings help mark obstacles and partitions, exits, ceiling heights, and just about any other important spatial detail for designers, planners, production partners, and guests.


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