| +90 216 575 61 19
Synchronized Fireworks

Fireworks are the formation of colorful images and effects accompanied by explosions in the sky. All fireworks shows, from the smallest to the biggest, are important to the pyrodigy team. Pyrodigy her show için çeşitli efektler içeren geniş ürün yelpazesini kullanarak koreografik showlar yapmaktadır.

Pyromusical Shows

The most important field of activity, in which Pyrodigy Production specializes and is assertive, is the synchronization of the fireworks show with computer support, in synchronization with music, light, and laser. This type of show is called the art of the fireworks, and it consists of the fireworks effects being ignited simultaneously with the accents and tones of the music.
This type of show requires high-tech equipment and computer programs.
Pyrodigy has manufactured the 100% Turkish engineering wonder “Pyrodigy Firing Systems”, and is preparing to export it to various countries of the world.


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